Простыми словами о сложных вещах! - Arkansas Duck Hunting Guides http://j95139jw.bget.ru/story.php?title=arkansas-duck-hunting-guides As you take those first baby steps into duck hunting, you're going to find out fast what techniques you would like when it comes to bagging ducks. Some hunters rely heavily on duck calls, and swear by them. There are many unique kinds of duck calls. Some are purchased at stores or through catalogs, some are carved by hand, and others are created by the seekers themselves-with only their vocal chords. Although it's going to eventually be your responsibility to figure out what is most effective for you personally, the safest bet would be to start with a snowball call bought at a retail store o Подробностиr via a catalogue Sun, 11 Feb 2018 09:06:45 UTC en